Director of Radio Barawe Survives Assassination Attempt Amid Troop Attack

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Blog

Osman Aweys Bahar, the director of Radio Barawe, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt after troops attacked his radio station under the command of Barawe District Governor Liban Abukar Osman Baafo. In a chilling video posted on the radio station’s Facebook page and YouTube, Bahar recounted the harrowing attack and implored concerned parties to intervene.

Osman Aweys Bahar
Osman Aweys Bahar-director of Radio Barawe

The incident unfolded at nine o’clock when Bahar and his team were working at Radio Barawe’s station. Armed soldiers stormed the station, identifying themselves as Liban Baafo’s bodyguards. After shots were fired, the director and his team were left in panic and exhaustion.

Radio Barawe

In a video message shared online, Bahar provided a firsthand account of the terrifying event. The troops, believed to be Baafo’s security personnel, fired on the radio station after forcibly entering its premises. The video showed Bahar’s face marked by panic and exhaustion as he recounted the ordeal.

“We called the governor from his phone while the shooting was going on, but he did not pick up the phone,” Bahar disclosed in the video. The chilling footage captured the distressing moments as Bahar and his team desperately sought help during the attack.

Fortunately, Bahar and his colleagues managed to evade the attackers and find shelter until the troops withdrew from the scene. There were no casualties among the radio station staff, but the incident deeply shook the community.


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