
Director of Radio Barawe Survives Assassination Attempt Amid Troop Attack

Osman Aweys Bahar, the director of Radio Barawe, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt after troops attacked his radio station under the command of Barawe District Governor Liban Abukar Osman Baafo. In a chilling video posted on the radio station's Facebook page...

Top 10 Journalists in Rwanda

Rwanda, a country in East Africa, has emerged as a vibrant hub for journalism. Known for its thriving media scene, Rwanda has produced a cadre of talented journalists who have made significant contributions to the field. In this article, we will delve into the...

Somali Journalists in Germany Establish “Somali Deutsche Journalists” Organization

Frankfurt, Germany - Somali journalists residing in Germany have taken a meaningful step forward by forming the "Somali Deutsche Journalist" (SDJ) organization. The announcement of this organization's establishment came during a meeting in Frankfurt yesterday, where...
Top 10 Journalists in Rwanda

Top 10 Journalists in Rwanda

Rwanda, a country in East Africa, has emerged as a vibrant hub for journalism. Known for its thriving media scene, Rwanda has produced a cadre of talented journalists who have made significant contributions to the field. In this article, we will delve into the...

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Top 10 Most Famous Journalists in Kenya

Top 10 Most Famous Journalists in Kenya

Kenya has a rich journalism tradition, with many talented individuals significantly impacting the field. This article will explore Kenya's top 10 most famous journalists. These journalists have stood out for their exceptional work, dedication, and contribution to the...

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Find A Videographer in Africa

Find A Videographer in Africa

You're in luck if you're looking for a videographer in Africa. With its diverse cultures, landscapes, and stories, Africa offers many opportunities for video production. These opportunities range from documentaries and commercials to music videos and corporate events....

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Wariyaha website is a volunteer-driven platform dedicated to supporting East African media professionals globally. Established in Nairobi in 2008 by the Somali Exiled Journalists Association.